Happy Blogging Anniversary!

I received the following notification on my blog today. It is pretty late from them, though, as my 1st blogging anniversary was nearly 2 months ago!


I was being too adamant towards myself in liking my own writing, and eventually deleted my blog after a few days. Well, not anymore! See, I completed one year successfully, and so, I have some bragging rights now and I just gave myself a little pat on the back.. 🙂

And, Love you WordPress! You are a dear friend who happily listen to many that express themselves by writing.

Behold WordPress theme demo


Check-out the video for a preview of Behold WP theme.

Please note: The video is without audio background!


Featured post slider, custom menu, 4 widget areas, featured posts, social icons.

Optimized the theme to adjust it’s layout based on the width of the device you are viewing it.(responsive design)

Hope you like the theme. Please leave a comment, if you have feedback.

New year and resolutions!

I can’t recollect if I’d set myself a few resolutions last year. But, if I’m asked was 2012 any good for me, I’d say, “Yes!”.

Yes, because, without getting discouraged,  I wrote more on my blog. Well, I started this blog this year, though. I’d this bad habit of deleting my blogs if I didn’t like them after a few days of writing, coz no one read them. I WILL NOT do it anymore. I pledge.

Yes, because, I made a tiny12 contribution to the OpenSource, and to WordPress through my WordPress theme Mimbolove

On the personnel front, I made two mistakes, too, that sometimes make me feel bad about myself. 😦

For 2013,

I think I will want to put on some weight, get some big muscles. Yeah, I brought a small gym kit, and I want to get stronger! I will see how it goes.

Improve my theme to make it more useful to the community, and write at least one new theme, there by becoming sharper.

I can’t get taller anymore even if I drink Horlicks 😉 So just stronger, sharper as year’s resolutions.

– Thanks for reading!

— Wish you a fantabulous year 2013!

Mimbolove – My (yet 2 b approved) WordPress theme!

I’ve been occupied after office hours for the last 2 months doing one thing. I don’t know if it is fair to say I spent my time on this task very religiously, but I finalized on writing(or partly writing, coz rest is stolen code :0 ) a WordPress theme. I named it after a combination of Kannada words as

Mimbolove = Mimba(=Blog) + Olavu(=Love)

A screenshot of how it looks is here: http://mimbolove.wordpress.com/

I’m just hoping that my theme gets approved into the WordPress theme directory. If it is rejected, I won’t quit until it is approved!