The Earnings

It appears to me that the more you are being criticized that you earned things by wrong means, which to the best of your knowledge, are not by wrong means, the harder you should try to earn respect from those who criticize you and the harder you should try to find your faults that trigger the criticism.

On the similar lines ‘what others think of you is none of your business‘.

I suppose when we strike a balance between the two, there is very less mental stress and harmony inside the heart and you start becoming a better man.

Constructive Criticism!

“Constructive Criticism” – That’s a big word, isn’t it?

We’d a hot discussion back in the office today. I said the real work I’m expected to do isn’t moving at all because of various other “routine-for-me-but-not-for-others” activities I handle everyday. I’d this feeling that I’m not finding time for those activities that really interest me + they are in my backlog from a real long time. But, I started feeling it more these days maybe after I started seeing others doing more quality work than me.

While I enjoy training my small wonderful team that I lead, and trying to teach them, often I hear criticism that some of the emails were just between us and not shared with the entire team, and having handled these routine activities, raising a mild alarm that I’m not finding time for my own tasks lead to a hot discussion and I was questioned, why wasn’t something routed across to somebody else and why did I keep doing the routine thing all by myself?

Now, that’s pretty uncomfortable situation, especially when my intent was to get some help. Isn’t it? 

One of the reasons I kept answering these routine questions was because I thought others were quite busy. Uhh! While doing so, I got terribly busy!

I think I should take this criticism a bit constructively. Yes, I should delegate things to others. Start saying “No!” to others when an issue is not really something I should address but with a bit of time spared, I can. Don’t be the frontdesk. Don’t assume that others schedules are tight, but push things to them.

And yeah, is the story same for everyone, except for the names? As in, you change the name, and my story is your story. Or did I just give in to whatever criticism?