Blogging – My Beloved Companion

It has been 3 years since I started writing this blog. My blog is not the best among any categories. It is not hosting wonderful poetry. You do not find eloquent discussions on politics or nation building here. I do not write very technical, “How do I hack ethically” sort of jargon. I just rattle my keyboard every time a weird, pointless, “nobody gives a damn” sort of thought comes to my mind, and I share it with my very special companion, WordPress.
Writing here has been a hobby I pursued successfully, and persistently and I will, I can tell with confidence, continue for a very long time into my future.

Writing here has always been like talking to a person, who listens to anything and everything I say, patiently, and persistently. I wouldn’t mind if I don’t hear anything back. My blog has not attracted many visitors or active readers, yet I pour out my thoughts, and it feels good.

Writing here has been relaxing and it gave me confidence that I’m capable of sticking to a hobby for a long long time, and that I won’t give up on myself that I cannot write. Writing here has convinced me that it can be profoundly expressive. Writing here made me appreciate the amazing gift some people have in expressing themselves, or someone else’s thoughts like nobody else could. Not even the very person who felt that feeling.

I may no reach anywhere with my writing. I wouldn’t mind that anyway!