2 Months Of Efforts

It has been nearly 2 months since I started using the gym facilities at my new office. It has been good so far. I think I’m able to hold on to it as a serious hobby, and I will  continue.

It reminds me of those days when math was intimidating back in the school, and I wished that I become as expert as my teacher was, overnight. It took a lot longer than overnight, and we did learn math decently well, and scored well.

I’m mature enough now, and don’t want to get good physique overnight, because, I like the taste of the physical exercise.

Blogging – My Beloved Companion

It has been 3 years since I started writing this blog. My blog is not the best among any categories. It is not hosting wonderful poetry. You do not find eloquent discussions on politics or nation building here. I do not write very technical, “How do I hack ethically” sort of jargon. I just rattle my keyboard every time a weird, pointless, “nobody gives a damn” sort of thought comes to my mind, and I share it with my very special companion, WordPress.
Writing here has been a hobby I pursued successfully, and persistently and I will, I can tell with confidence, continue for a very long time into my future.

Writing here has always been like talking to a person, who listens to anything and everything I say, patiently, and persistently. I wouldn’t mind if I don’t hear anything back. My blog has not attracted many visitors or active readers, yet I pour out my thoughts, and it feels good.

Writing here has been relaxing and it gave me confidence that I’m capable of sticking to a hobby for a long long time, and that I won’t give up on myself that I cannot write. Writing here has convinced me that it can be profoundly expressive. Writing here made me appreciate the amazing gift some people have in expressing themselves, or someone else’s thoughts like nobody else could. Not even the very person who felt that feeling.

I may no reach anywhere with my writing. I wouldn’t mind that anyway!

The Earnings

It appears to me that the more you are being criticized that you earned things by wrong means, which to the best of your knowledge, are not by wrong means, the harder you should try to earn respect from those who criticize you and the harder you should try to find your faults that trigger the criticism.

On the similar lines ‘what others think of you is none of your business‘.

I suppose when we strike a balance between the two, there is very less mental stress and harmony inside the heart and you start becoming a better man.

Another Year Gone – 2014

Time flies. As I write this down, I recall how I spent my Dec 31, 2013. Nothing much as changed for me with my personal life since then. I’m happily what I’m. In fact, I think I got better during 2014 personally. I tried to be sensitive to others. I tried not to hurt anyone deliberately. I tried to be nice and kind as much as possible, as long as possible. I thanked a few people that helped to me to be what I am. I tried not to lose my nerve. I tried to understand my family more and more although I lived my life on my own all these years. I tried to figure out what exactly I want for myself, and what not.

On the professional side, I tried to ensure that my team at office that I lead is growing with their ability to do good job, as much as I tried do it myself; and I tried to ensure that they are more engaged with stuff they are doing. I tried to communicate openly to ensure that we do what the team, and company really wanted. I tried to be rational enough to judge people at office, when judging them became inevitable. I hated certain decisions inevitably, and it was evidentially the wrong decision with unfair motivation despite the confrontation from me. We reduced software build times reasonably well. We are trying to rewrite our build system using “tup build tool”, and we will finish it before Jan’15! I read most part of two wonderful books, “Who says elephants can’t dance”, and “How Google Works” and I digested them reasonably well, and trying to improve myself accordingly.

On the failures part, I failed to hold on to a few activities at office until their closure. I’ve improved since 2013, but there still was more room for improvement. I failed to find a mentor for myself in somebody. I failed to criticize, and apparently, had I communicated more openly, I would have done more good than I did by keeping quiet.

For this year, 2015, my objective is to make at least one useful contribution to open source software(I have 2 ideas in my mind on how I can contribute); to exercise as regularly as possible, to eat at least one fruit per day, to make it to my dream job, and try to become a better person, and to fall in love.

I’m hopeful that I will make most of 2015.

The Difference

As I wrote in my last post, I tried solving the software build time problems by deploying ccache on two branches that have biggest build time.

I was hoping that our designer community “learns” and “uses” the easy and fast ways of building software as communicated. But, some of these guys are so ridiculously dumb that they are habitual to running one command, and they simply do not care for other build commands that are more apt. So, as my colleague said, I enforced ccache carefully to reduce build times. I am waiting to know the results during next week.

In the midst of these annoying problems, I’m often awestruck by the commitment, coordination, power of the open source projects. Being so disconnected physically, they are connected only via internet, or irc, yet, they produce wonderful products. In contrary at certain places, although people are sitting right beside each other, they do not follow the instructions given, creating whole lot of mess for themselves and others delaying the whole delivery.. I simply do not know whom to blame.. I wonder what is the difference between the two set of people..